Based on your unique ideas, we create professional and reliable, high quality softwares that speed up and simplify your business processes.
We have been gathering experience in tourism marketing and online tourism services for 6 years. On the basis of this, we have worked with our developers to design a tourism portal system that meets the most modern owner and user requirements.
For tourism organisations and service providers, one of the most important goals today is to be able to address their prospective guests effectively; to be able to inform them quickly and reliably about what they have to offer, and to provide a secure point of reference and quality support throughout their visit. Our system performs very well in live situations, with some cities having been using it for 3 years; so ve have bold experience in this.

Today, a news portal has to meet a myriad of requirements. Whatever the content and whatever the size of the editorial team, one thing is certain: it must be reliable, accessible from anywhere and from any device, easy to use and lightning fast. After all, there is a constant flow of news, data and information; being first is the eternal goal, and the work is not only done in the newsroom, but often out in the field.
The media portal we developed is not only fast, responsive, attractive and easy to use, but also highly measurable and statistically analyzable, so that the management can constantly measure, analyze and monitor the performance of the platform.
All of our news portals are custom-built and 100% based on the Client's vision. A "handcrafted product" in a world where everything is slowly being built from templates.

It is well known that online trade grows 10-13% per year without any extraordinary events. Covid has just added to this; by leaps and bounds the number of users who have mastered the knowledge and started to switch to online shopping.
We have been developing online stores for 14 years. Our system is constantly updated and evolving with new technologies and trends. We've optimised it for smart devices, including the admin side - to make it easy to set up a successful business anywhere, anytime.
Fully customisable, no templates, everyone can create all the design elements for their online store according to their needs. All you need to get started is a few simple adjustments, upload your products and you're ready to sell online.

Smartcity - one of the most heard and popular words in recent years among urban management professionals and NGOs. The development and implementation of smart city strategies is no longer the prerogative of big cities alone; there are many areas where even small towns and cities can make a spectacular and measurable difference.
More and more cities are beginning to recognise that green spaces are the key to livability and attractive cities. There is a growing number of initiatives, interest and attention from local authorities to maintain trees, keep them healthy and preserve wildlife. Today, it is no longer enough to put information on walls, it is important that information about trees is easily accessible to the public in real time. And that's what we've taken to the next level; using a map-based app, each tree can be accurately recorded and displayed using GPS coordinates. You can calculate and measure their oxygen emissions, the amount of particles they trap and any other data you want.